Posted by: blinklove | October 20, 2010

Tah Dah!

Millions of footsteps, 2,351 miles and six months after we began…

It will take many days to realize we have really finished this incredible journey!

So much has happened and so much time has passed that it is impossible to try to sum it all up as we sit here today.

I suppose, though, one of the things a person learns while on an epic adventure is that the word “finished” should be reserved for wooden furniture.

There is no checkered flag out here and the memories and teachings this trip has given us will continue to slowly show themselves as we continue to create our lives and work to try to improve the lives around us.

We have had such an amazing journey and want to thank you all so much for your constant support. It means more to us than you might ever know =)

We will continue to campaign for Blink’s Hike over the next few weeks in an effort to reach our fundraising goal and increase awareness of animal issues and the people and organizations that have the solutions.

That being said, we want to let you know that we have some exciting ideas, adventures, and projects in store for Ms. Blink.

More on these will be available soon as the Blinklove Project rolls on.

This should be exciting!

So stay tuned everybody, and get involved!

Blink’s Hike Mileage Totals:

Southern California:

648 miles

Central California:

505 miles

Northern California:

272 miles


486 miles


440 miles

Grand Total:

2,351 Miles!

from Mexico to Canada


Good ‘ole Winston-Salem, here we come!

P.S. A little bird told me that this guy might be showing up in Winston-Salem for a visit/autograph signing sometime very soon:



  1. Congratulations!! Thanks for your incredible dedication!

  2. wehavetomakethechange: THANKYOUFORYOU

  3. What an adventure. I cannot wait to hear. Glad you are both safe, happy and healthy. Thanks for all your hard work to raise money for animals.

  4. We’re so proud of you, and inspired by you. Can’t wait…also…to meet Cowboy Charles. xxx

  5. Congradulations guys! So happy to hear your coming home… happy, healthy & more wise. So what’s up
    next?? lol

  6. Congratulations! Thanks for taking us all along with you in spirit. I can’t tell you how many times I thought of you guys – in the funniest places like the grocery store or while in a school meeting – and always sent out good thoughts & good wishes. I look forward to hearing how blink transpires as time goes on. Thanks for all the great work you two are doing – you’re truly an inspiration and I’m so glad you had a safe & successful trip.

  7. YIPPEE!!!! So glad you are coming home in one piece. You 2 are amazing!!!
    Book? YEA!!! I want an autographed copy!!!!


  9. Hurry Home — we are anxiously awaiting you.
    Thanks so much for your efforts to help animals — and people, too.

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